Vimay Group.

The Publisher's Shop: A whole stack of Ad-Product under One Roof.

Our team of experienced business developers will help you to connect with the right partners.

We connect

We connect Advertisers, Brands, and Ad-Tech Companies with Publishers, Media, and Content Creators.

Premium Connections

Access a curated community in the advertising industry where connections are made based on transparency, results, and trust.


Take advantage of years of biz dev experience in digital advertising, we count on an extensive list of partners, averaging more than 100 won deals per year.

All Enviroments

We work with websites, app developers, CTV/OTT channels, and DOOH screens. This gives us access to a wide variety of ad products and demands.


We keep abreast with the latest developments in this industry, offering ongoing support and consulting to aid publishers in adapting to changes and maintaining competitiveness.


Our exclusive ad exchange for our most trusted partners.


Vimay Group HUB

Step into Vimay Group's HUB – your direct link to Ad-Tech and Demand Partners. Experience seamless connections, discover unique benefits, and redefine your publishing journey.

Premium advertisers and ad-tech companies.
Innovative AI-based ad products.
Tested Connections.
New Revenue Streams.
Support & Guidance.
Exposure to high-quality Publishers.
Fully committed with IAB standards.
Brand Safety.
Ads.txt compliable.
SPO: Your way through efficient buying paths.

Digital Assets

We invest in digital assets to gain a deeper understanding of publishers' needs and wants.

Drop us a line

Vimay Group.

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